Nabeel Qureshi’s Testimony

You see, when I was younger I used to read the Qur’an regularly, I used to believe everything about Muhammad that my parents had taught me, and I believed everything about Islam, and I used to say the salat regularly, and I used to attend the Masjid regularly, and then, I began to question, I began to wonder, whether or not the things I had been taught about Hazrat Isa were true or if maybe I had learned some things that,

Faouzi Arzouni’s Testimony

How did I become a follower of Isa Al Masih? My journey is essentially a journey from religion to redemption. I would characterize my journey in the faith in this process of becoming a follower of Isa Masih, as a journey from ritual, to reconciliation.…

The Qur’an: Whom does God love?

The Qur’an: Whom does God love?

God’s blessing are available to all, his love is for those whom he has predestined for good works:

“… God loves the doers of justice” (60:8)

“… God loves those who are fair” (49:9)

“On those who believe and work deeds of righteousness, will (Allah) Most Gracious bestow love.

Who is Jesus?

Who is Jesus?

Probably one of the most debated topics between different People of the Book relates to the Prophet Jesus, son of Mary, and who exactly he is. For example, Muslims such as Dr. Zakir Naik and Ahmed Deedat happily accept that the Prophet `Īsā is the Messiah and born of a virgin.…

Warfare, Violence and Religion

Does the Injil teach Peace or Violence?

If you are reading this page, you have probably heard some critics like Dr Zakir Naik argue that the Bible encourages violence to its followers. This absurd allegation is based primarily on an incident found in the Torah and a couple of brief words of Jesus taken out of context.…

Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) In The Qur’ān

The Qur’ān is a large book in Arabic, a foreign language for most people in the world. For that reason, few people have an accurate understanding of all the different subjects covered in the Qur’ān. One of the most important subjects in it concerns the different prophets God has sent into the world at different times.…

The Names of `Īsā found in the Qur’ān

Hazrat 'Isa's Qur'anic Titles

The Qur’ān is a large book in Arabic, a foreign language for most people in the world. For that reason, few people have an accurate understanding of all the different subjects covered in the Qur’ān. One of the most important subjects in it concerns the different prophets God has sent into the world at different times.…

How can a good almighty God allow suffering?

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The Sinless Prophet

One mistaken idea many people share about the different prophets God sent is that they were all sinless. This idea goes against both common reason and God’s Word. It goes against reason because the prophets were also descendants of Adam just as all other men and shared his sinful and self-centered nature.…

1 John 5:7 – Interpolation

1 John 5:7—”RSV scholars say that this verse is an interpolation, a concoction, a fabrication.”

Among the thousands of careful English translations available, the King James translation is the only one which includes this ending to 1 John 5:7—”For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost, and these three are one.”…