An online library of rational evidence for the reliability and validity of God's Word
Injil ‘sent down’?
“The Qur’ān describes the Injīl as something “sent down”; but the present-day Injīl was written by Jesus’ followers”
The Arabic term ‘sent down’ does not mean dropped from the sky or delivered by a prophet. It has a more general meaning of a gift from God.…
Four different Gospels?
“Why are their four different gospels?”
God does not want blind faith, uncritical, unthinking acceptance—he chooses to present his truth in a way that gives sufficient evidence to skeptics as well. Four separate eyewitness accounts make the evidence for Jesus’ miracles, message, death and resurrection four times as hard to deny.…
One Injil to Jesus, or Four to his Followers?
“The Qur’ān only mentions one Injīl given to Jesus himself, but the Injīl of today is written by his followers”
Neither Muhammad (pbuh) nor Jesus wrote down a scripture, though many people seem to hold that imaginary idea. Their scriptures were first written down by their companions after their death.…
God’s Word of Man’s Word?
“The Qur’ān is all God’s Word, but the Bible is a mixture of God’s Words, the prophets’ own words, and historian or narrator’s words.”
This objection is built on a totally false understanding of what ‘God’s Word’ (كلمةﷲ) is. …
Man-made Stories?
“Unlike the Qur’ān , the Bible and all other scriptures read like human-made stories— ‘in the beginning, etc'”
Actually, most religions’ scriptures don’t read like stories—they resemble esoteric utterances more than human stories.