Prophets are thieves and robbers?
John 10:8—”How could Jesus teach that all the holy prophets before him were thieves and robbers?”
This is one of the more ridiculous attacks against scripture. It is exceedingly obvious to anyone familiar with the Injīl that Jesus has a very high view of the previous prophets (Mt 5:17; Mt 12:3; Lk 13:28; John 8:39,40).…
Luke 14:26 – teaching hate?
Luke 14:26 – “Does Jesus teach hate here?”
This argument shows a simple ignorance of the way ancient authors used language. It’s called hyperbole, and it’s very common rhetorical technique used in ancient writings.
Everyone in Jesus’ day understood that he was not teaching literal hate, but rather “love less than me.”…
Matthew 11:15-16 – Clearing Temple
Mark 11:15-16 – “Why the emotional outburst of overturning tables at the temple?”
On reaching Jerusalem, Jesus entered the temple area and began driving out those who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves, and would not allow anyone to carry merchandise through the temple courts.
Mark 11 – Cursing Fig Tree
Mark 11:12-14 – "Why did Jesus have an emotional outburst at the fig tree – couldn’t he just have made figs appear?"
This objection is rather a desperate attempt to find fault with Jesus. As Jesus so often does, he uses everyday objects and images as metaphors to teach his disciples a spiritual point.…
Matthew 15:26 – Racism?
<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 15:26—”Is this not blatant racism, calling a non-Jew a dog?” </h2>
Jews frequently insulted Gentiles by referring to them as pariah dogs, which in ancient Palestine were wild, homeless scavengers. But the form Jesus uses here (κυνάριον <i>, </i>”puppy”) suggests a more affectionate term for household animals.…
Matthew 8:28-34 – Did Jesus steal pigs?
<h2 class=”objection”>Matthew 8:28-34 – "Jesus stole a herd of pigs & kills them, so he is a thief”</h2>
<p>Jesus clearly did not "steal" this herd of pigs, for he never even touched them; sending demons into something can hardly be considered "stealing".…
Guilt for Father’s Sins
Exodus 20:5-6—”It is unjust to make people guilty for their fathers’ sins.”
This verse is using hyperbolic language to emphasize how disobedience to God will be punished and faithfulness will be blessed—it is not a legal declaration. In fact we find exactly the opposite in the Torah law:
“Fathers shall not be put to death for their children, nor children put to death for their fathers; each is to die for his own sin.”
Does the Bible teach Slavery?
“Does the Bible support the practice of human slavery?”
The short answer is no, the Bible does not support slavery, it undermines it. In fact, it was mainly committed followers of Jesus (such as William Wilberforce, Clarkson and Charles Finney) who ended the slave trade and abolished slavery.…